Wednesday, January 9, 2013

When You Gotta Go

My $20 coupon for REI expired on Sunday, so that warranted a shopping trip.  I made a list of things I still needed for the hike and was able to cross a few things off.  Got a hat with a wide brim for keeping the sun off and for my mosquito netting to go over, a couple carabiners, a pocket knife (no pic), some down mittens (wondering now if these are overkill), and perhaps most exciting, a book about the Lone Star Hiking Trail.

The Lone Star Hiking Trail is the longest wilderness footpath in Texas at 128 miles.  Texas is a big State, but fortunately I am not far from this trail so it is a perfect training trip for me.  It's flat and at a low elevation, but it's the best I've got and I'm thankful it's close to home.  I heard that this weekend is the last of deer hunting season, so hopefully I can hike the trail without fear of being shot.  I would love to get out there soon.

Also on my list of things to acquire is a tool for digging a cat hole.  Many people say that a stick or the heel of a boot work just fine.  Well, I tried that in Washington with only marginal success.  So, I have ordered a titanium cat hole trowel.  It weighs in at just over a half an ounce which seems more than reasonable for a tool of this nature.  If you want to check them out:

While we're on the subject, I have also discovered a technique that allows girls to pee standing up.  Why didn't our mothers teach us this?!?!

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