Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Well, not exactly a saddle, but back in the hiking boots!  I've had a few days off while I recover from the antibiotics which are helping me recover from the tick bite.  I haven't enjoyed this process, but I'm on the downward side--I think only 2 more days of medication after today.

Walked a little over 4 with the dogs this morning.  And, I added another 10# bag of flour to my backpack, so it was an unofficial 25#.  The dogs don't exactly help with the walk...but they enjoy it so much I can't leave them home.  After Bella gets tired slows down a little, I tie their leashes to the hip belt straps.  Makes it easier on all of us...until the day that Bella sees a squirrel and then things could get interesting!

I picked up my camp shoes over the weekend :)  Nice and bright so I don't lose them.  They're even brighter in person.  That reminds me...I need to shop for a camera!

The weatherman has assured me that we are expecting a cold front this weekend which will bring temperatures from 80/100 down to high-60s/90 with some drier air to follow.  The "cold" is only supposed to last a couple days.  Hey, I'll take it when I can get it.  Besides, I just need one cool morning to seal the seams on my tent.

I learned this morning about making fire starters and fire straws.  Very cool.  I also prepped a lot of meals for my upcoming hike in the Pacific Northwest.

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