Thursday, August 2, 2012

One Year From Today...

The dogs and I went for a walk this morning.  I did a little calculating and realized that one year from today, if all goes according to plan, I will have hiked through California and will be somewhere in Oregon on my way to Canada.  Wow.

Great 5 mile walk with the dogs this morning.  We didn't get started until around 8, so already very warm.  Thankfully there was a bit of a breeze in spots, and some cloud cover to help with the heat.  The dogs did great.  This was their longest walk to date.  At about the 3-mile mark, Mojo started his grass diving.  He moves from the sidewalk to the grass, builds up some speed, puts his head down and to the side, and slides across the grass.  Wet grass seems to be preferable.  I don't know if it is because it is slippery or cooler.  Either way, it's funny to watch.  I think Bella would have been content with 4-3/4 miles as she was noticeably slower the last quarter mile.  However, about 50 yds from home she caught the scent of something on the sidewalk and was full-speed ahead with her nose to the ground, like a hunting dog.  Both dogs are resting now, enjoying the air conditioning as much as me.

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