Friday, March 29, 2013

The Contenders

I never dreamed I'd be at this stage in my planning and still debating footwear!!!
Early on I discovered the Merrell Moab Ventilators.  I purchased a pair in the fall and walked all over the neighborhood in them.  I wore them to hike in Washington.  There was no doubt they were going to be my shoe for the PCT.  Then talk amongst experienced PCT thru-hikers emphasized less, lighter, minimal-style, trail runners.  I feel it would be foolish to completely ignore the opinions of those who have successfully traveled the trail I plan to I've tried a few pairs of shoes in the latter category.  I will admit, it was mostly an exercise in convincing me that the Merrell's were THE shoe...until the New Balance Minimus 1010s...  So, here I give you the front runners in the shoe contest:
In the left corner, weighing in at 15 oz each, the mighty Merrill Moab Ventilators.  These shoes are not an uncommon sight on the trail.  They are lighter than traditional boots with sturdy Vibram soles  They are tough and rugged.  Inside I have replaced the standard issue insoles with Blue Superfeet.  These are a size bigger than my normal shoe size.  Based on my experience with the descents in Washington, I will need at least another 1/2 size bigger for the trip...and unfortunately maybe more as my feet expand as a result of what I will be asking them to do.

In the right corner, the super lightweight New Balance Minimus 1010.  At a mere 7 oz each, the pair weighs less than one of the Merrells.  While we're talking ounces here, that's 1 pound for the pair.  It is generally accepted that completing the PCT requires 6 million steps.  Multiply 1/2 pound per shoe by 6 million and that's a lot of extra weight!  Not only are they light, they are extremely comfortable.  Wearing them makes you want to walk--no joke!  They have become my shoe of choice ever since I put them on that first time.  They have a rock plate which protects the foot from sharp things on the trail, but other than that, there are soft and light.  I have no idea how they would hold up on the trail.  They don't even have a removable insole!  Another plus to these shoes is they should dry very quickly after getting wet.  I have heard from other hikers that they are really happy with them, but I don't know if they've been used on long trails before.  These too are a little too big for me and if they make the cut for the trail, I will probably order them in a size bigger to allow for expansion.

And the winner is... ?????  I'm leaning towards the New Balance, however, I think I will have the Merrell's ready to be shipped if the New Balance aren't up for the job.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Another Day on the LSHT

Woke up to a perfect day for hiking. I was able to talk my son into spending the last day of his spring break with me on the Lone Star Hiking Trail. What a guy! Bella came too. We hiked the 6.5-mile Richards Loop.

Of course we needed to celebrate with burgers at Burger Fresh in Montgomery on the way home. Yum. The best part of hiking just might be the food when you're done :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Hat Heads

My sister visited for a few days last week and we took a road trip to Austin to see her daughter row in a Regatta there.  We had a great time eating, shopping, eating, watching the rowing, eating, etc.  Our first stop was to REI where we tried lots of shoes and a couple hats.  She claims we tried 89 pairs of shoes.  I'm almost positive she's exaggerating.

What's the deal???  My sister looks better in BOTH hats!  Needless to say, neither made the cut.  Still searching...

How did this picture get here???  Mmmmmm....schnecken from Sweetish Hill Bakery in Austin.  So delicious!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

50 Days

It's hard to believe I'm down to 50 days at home before beginning hiking.  Actually about a week less than that because I am planning on leaving a week early to spend some time helping my mom put my resupply boxes together.

I'm slowly making progress getting my gear together.  Decided on a hiking shirt by RailRiders.  Found the perfect pair of fleece gloves.  Picked up a journal and mini pen.  Got a delivery from Patagonia with sun gloves and rain pants.  Dad found the elusive Evernew water bladders for both of us.  Ordered a new pair of sunglasses yesterday that should give me much better protection than the ones I currently have.  Dentist appt is coming up.  I think I can find a better camera.  Still hoping to sew a rain poncho.  Need another pair of shoes.  Want to pick up a SPOT locator.  I need to start hiking so I stop spending money!

I've got several hiking meals prepared in the freezer, and 27 days of granola individually bagged and ready for the trip.  The freezer is filling with other meals that I'm putting away for the family while I'm gone.  Mom is still trying and tweaking recipes for dehydrated meals.  There are tuna casserole and Hawaiian pizza dinners on their way to me to try.

Resupply locations need to be reworked a bit.  My goal for the week is to iron that out and prepare a spreadsheet for each resupply box.

PCT permit and Canada entry permit have been received.  Getting a little closer every day.